Bulk Market in 2020: Ten infos to remember


Réseau Vrac and Nielsen presented Thursday, March 4, 2021, a report on the bulk market in 2020, supplemented by a study carried out in December 2020 among 9,900 households, on the purchasing motivations of consumers. Update on the main information to remember.

1- An estimated turnover of 1.3 billion euros

This is the turnover of the bulk market, all circuits combined in 2020, according to Réseau Vrac. This figure does not include markets, fruits and vegetables, as well as cut services.

2- A market growing by 8%

Market growth amounted to 8% in 2020. This fine performance was nevertheless clearly slowed down compared to the 41% jump recorded in 2019 versus 2018. The health crisis, and with it, the inaccessibility of bulk shelves, is the main cause for 42% of respondents. "This decrease is more due to problems of access to the offer rather than a voluntary choice to reduce this mode of consumption or a fear of hygiene" , says Cémlia Rennesson, director of Réseau Vrac, the association that brings together professionals in the sector.

3- Quatre foyers sur 10 achètent en vrac

Bonne nouvelle, ce mode de consommation n’a pas perdu de fidèles, ou très peu. En décembre 2020, la proportion de foyers acheteurs de vrac était de 37 %. Elle est quasiment revenue au niveau observé en janvier 2020 où la pénétration était de 40 %, et ce, malgré une forte désaffection observée en cours d’année. Durant le premier confinement, cette part était en effet tombée à 22 %.

4- One in five households is a regular buyer

46% of bulk buyers are regular consumers with one or more purchase acts per month. This represents 19% of French households. "Bulk is therefore far from being a microphenomenon. It has become part of the regular habits of 5.4 million French households" , says Isabelle Kaiffer, consumer research director at Nielsen.

5- Economic motivations prevail

More surprisingly, ecological reasons are not the primary motivation for bulk buyers. 37% of those polled say they turn to bulk to buy the right quantity, when only 22% prefer this mode of consumption to reduce packaging waste. This economic reason is more prevalent among occasional buyers.

6- Bulk buyers far from the "Parisian bobo" stereotype

Nielsen is twisting the neck of stereotypes. "We are far from a phenomenon that is uniquely Parisian or associated with dynamic young executives. The bulk buyer is more like Mr. and Mrs. Everyone" , says Isabelle Kaiffer. According to the study, lovers of unpackaged products mostly live alone and live in rural areas or in towns with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants. 53% are over 50 and 31% are retired.

7- Organic stores, a privileged channel for regular bulk buyers

To shop for bulk products, 61% of buyers prefer large and medium-sized stores, against 53% for organic stores and only 10% for bulk grocers. However, for regular bulk buyers (one purchase per month minimum), the specialized network becomes the main distribution channel (63%), ahead of hypermarkets and supermarkets (56%) and bulk grocery stores (15%).

8- The non-food leaves its niche

Grocery products remain by far the most demanded in bulk, starting with oilseeds and dried fruits favored by 63% and 56% of respondents. Non-food, however, has made a big breakthrough. Almost 10% of buyers turned to dishwashing liquid, cleaning products and bulk laundry last year.

9- 54% of French people want brands in bulk

Better, this proportion rises to 73% for bulk buyers, confirming that there is a real place in the market for brands. When asked, what types of products would you like brands to offer in bulk, 70% of respondents said they wanted the ability to buy the same products that are usually sold packaged.

10- 3.2 billion forecast in 2022

In conclusion, Célia Rennesson reaffirms the ambitious market forecasts, which should reach 3.2 billion euros in 2022. "Bulk consumption has returned to pre-crisis levels and the number of stores and the offer are expanding. In addition, the legislative framework, on which we are working at national and European level to integrate more products into distribution bulk, will help support this dynamic ". ».